The Development of Rubberized Buton Asphalt in Indonesia



In Buton Island, eastern part of Indonesia, we found 65 million ton deposit of Natural Rock Asphalt. Through purification process, we obtain an intermediate product, which is rich with light aromatic solvent, thus can be further used as feedstock to produce a Terminal Blend CRM (Crumb Rubber Modified) Asphalt.
First, 60% of the refined natural asphalt product is blended with 40% of Crumb Rubber powder at ambient temperature and store it for 24 hours, to let the crumb rubber to completely swollen (activated). This material then blended with straight bitumen at concentration of 20-40% at 175 C to produce Terminal Blend CRMA. Laboratorium test showed that the product can significanly improve the Dynamic Stability and Fatigue Resistance of the hot mix compare to the Straight Bitumen Mix.

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