In order to research the gradations and the pavement performance of the rubberasphalt mixtures, it is the first time to use GTM –Gyratory Testing Machine–gyratory compaction moulding method for the mixing ratio design of the rubber-asphalt mixtures in China. Based on this method, research on the continuous-gradation and three kinds of gapgradation mixtures with different through rate of 4.75mm were carried out systematically. Without considering the volume parameters, the optimum asphalt content were identified only according to the physical and mechanical parameters, including GSI –gyratory stability index and GSF–gyratory safety factor. On this basis, research the linear expansion of the rubberasphalt mixtures with different gradations and molding modes, and it is proofed that the continuous-gradation rubber-asphalt mixtures can be used based on the GTM design method. Through comprehensive evaluation on the pavement performance, it is effectively proofed that the GTM design method is more appropriate to the continuous-gradation rubber-asphalt mixtures, and designed by which, the pavement performance is much better than that of the gap-gradation mixtures.