The Production and Placement of Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix Using Warm Mix Asphalt Technology



Asphalt rubber hot mix has been used for many years and has proven to be very cost-effective. However, asphalt rubber hot mix requires a higher mix temperature during placement in order to obtain adequate compaction, which results in higher energy requirements during production. Sometimes there is also more visible smoke evident during
placement. Emission testing at the plant and the street has shown that there is no significant difference in the emissions when compared to conventional hot mix. By utilizing warm mix asphalt technology the temperature requirements of the asphalt rubber hot mix can be reduced significantly. The result is a lower production temperature, reduced smoke during production and placement, and ultimately a lower production cost. The purpose of this paper is to document the production and placement of asphalt rubber hot mix with the use of two types
of warm mix asphalt technology. The paper documents the production, the placement and the resulting in-place mix properties after compaction.

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