Low-Noise Asphalt Concrete for Wearing Course Using Crumb Rubber Powder From Used Tyres



Surveys on residents in Western Europe have shown that 75% of them are inconvenienced by noise, particularly road traffic generated noise.

Urban planning decision-makers have made the control of this major nuisance one of their overriding concerns.
The implementing orders of the December 1992 Noise Act require Project Owners in France to take noise nuisance into account when building or improving road infrastructure.

The progress achieved by vehicle manufacturers has enabled mechanical noise to be considerably reduced. It is now an established fact that the reduction of tyre-pavement contact noise is the main source of acoustic and economic benefits in terms of traffic-related noise emissions.

This means that the measures to be taken primarily concern road surfaces and, to a lesser extent, tyres.

This paper presents an asphalt overlay of original design, which achieves a particularly significant reduction in traffic-related noise while meeting user safety requirements though high skid resistance.

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