Applicability of Solubility Test Methods for Neat and Rubber Modified Asphalt Binders


Applicability of Solubility Test Methods for Neat and Rubber Modified Asphalt Binders

Gary Hicks, Barry Takallou

ABSTRACT. This paper attempts to take a close look at the history and applicability of the solubility test and requirements for both neat and modified asphalt cements. The solubility test measures the purity of the asphalt binder by dissolving a sample of the asphalt in a solvent and filtering out the insoluble portions. The soluble portion represents the active cementing elements, plus any ultra-fine solid particles that are small enough to pass through the specified filter. The paper first looks at the history of the tests, followed by a discussion of the possible changes needed in the tests. If the test is to be continued as a viable test method, it is recommended that some changes in test method are needed.


Applicability of Solubility Test Methods for Neat and Rubber Modified Asphalt Binders

Gary Hicks, Barry Takallou 

ABSTRACT. This paper attempts to take a close look at the history and applicability of the solubility test and requirements for both neat and modified asphalt cements. The solubility test measures the purity of the asphalt binder by dissolving a sample of the asphalt in a solvent and filtering out the insoluble portions. The soluble portion represents the active cementing elements, plus any ultra-fine solid particles that are small enough to pass through the specified filter. The paper first looks at the history of the tests, followed by a discussion of the possible changes needed in the tests. If the test is to be continued as a viable test method, it is recommended that some changes in test method are needed.

KEYWORDS: Solubility, Test, Methods, Asphalt, Binders

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