Analysis of Environmental Sustainability in The Rehabilitation of Existing Pavements Using Asphalt Rubber Hot Mixes



Asphalt Rubber is by definition a green technology, not only because it uses a recycled material but also because its mechanical performance allows pavement thickness reduction, saving natural resources and money and reducing CO2 emissions.
This paper quantifies the main parameters connected to the study of the environmental sustainability related to the production and laying of AR hot mixes.
After a brief summary of the state of AR technology in Italy, results of a quantitative analysis of environmental benefits arising from the use of this technology are shown in terms of energy balance, highlighting the significant savings achieved under construction, in addition to the benefits of longer duration and less maintenance required for AR pavements.
Finally, it is reported, as a study case, the set of improvements solutions adopted for the rehabilitation of the Florence – Pisa – Livorno highway, where the choice of using AR technology as a rehabilitative solution was made after a detailed analysis of the environmental benefits.